A room of seated people facing forward looking at a presentation

Public Art Resources

The Maryland State Arts Council provides public art professional development tools and information on an array of public art topics to assist artists and organizations. Recordings of previous webinars are available on our YouTube channels with links below.

Public Art Topics

Community Engagement

Getting Started

  • Public Art 101: An overview of how to plan a public artwork including the Call to Artist process, artist selection committees and steps to applying for the Public Art Across Maryland grant.


For Artists - Getting the Gig

  • Structuring Your Public Art Interview:  Now that you have the invitation to meet with a committee about a public art opportunity, what’s next? This session will help artists plan for an effective interview. Topics include choosing your work samples, describing your process, building rapport, asking questions, and planning ahead to avoid tech glitches.


  • Memorializing the Moment: A discussion about the purpose, planning, public grief, and healing power of creating a memorial 


Public Art in Arts & Entertainment Districts